Monday, November 27, 2006


The title of the post seems odd, in light of the fact that our small friend is upstairs fighting sleep as we speak. She's so convinced she will miss something...I keep trying to reassure her that her father and I don't break out the juice boxes and Curious George while she's snoozing, but no luck.

Such a happy girl tonight (before bed, anyway). I keep thinking I need to record some of this stuff somewhere, before she leaves for college and I can't remember:

- She shows her feet to the cat. "See my feet, Jimmy? They're big and round."

- Then she picks up her baby, the one with the scary dead eyes and the scarier battery-powered laugh. She sings Rock-a-Bye-Baby to the baby as she swings it back and forth in her arms. But just as quickly as the sweetness bubbled up, she abruptly tosses the baby in the laundry basket we use as her toy box. Huh, baby. Done with you.

- Next she puts the stuffed Elmo under her blanket. "Good night, little Elmo. See you in the morning, I love you." Pats Elmo's back through the blanket.

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thank you, and good night

So we managed to make it to the holiday parade here in Dover, despite no nap. Of course, I forgot the camera! Some highlights: fire trucks from many area fire departments (complete with sirens and other LOUD noises!), and meeting the infamous Elmo. There was also a float that included, among other holiday staples, Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons. The sign on the back read "Merry KISSMas." Rock out. Here's the aftermath.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Lost the camera cord, but found a sneaker net

Finally found a work around to our lack of a camera cord by setting up a sneaker net.

Enjoy our photos...


A day at the races (er, fair)

Here is a photo of Baroness and her friend Lady E enjoying the races (well, actually the oxen pull at the fair).

Sometimes you just need to express your emotions.

Monday, November 06, 2006