The mysterious, net-looking pictures that I put up a few days ago...they were of a scarf, a birthday present for my dear far-away Sri.
I'm so glad she likes it...a blogger/knit designer in California had posted a picture of hers a while back, and I thought, hmm. I followed the link to a company in Menlo Park, CA called Bella Knitting. They have very cool kits for unusual projects, including the Peek-a-Boo scarf. I knit Sri's using a bamboo yarn, which I have wanted to try for ages. They send a coordinating silk scarf along with the pattern and yarn. It's my first (very basic) lace project and was challenging without being too complicated, and lots of fun!
Here are some pics of me with the scarf....Sri's are better, but in mine you get to see me in my jammies.
So now I've moved back into the Land of Basic Garter-Stitch Baby Sweaters. My poor brain, full of budgets and schedules and students, cannot handle much more complicated work than that. I have seaming to do on another project, but I do not hear it calling me.
We're having a tired, sweaty day here in Dover. The Lou woke up way too early this morning, so Pete and I are Zombie Parents. Uuuhhnnn. Braaaiiins. There's the added bonus that I worked today and will work again tomorrow...yikes. It's the most wonderful time of the year. [Imagine me singing like Perry Como.]
Not much else- had pizza with the McGoughs last night, and it was good catching up with them. It was nice that because Ella is so potty-focused, Charlotte felt compelled to visit too and did well. Today she is wearing big-girl panties. Such a big girl.
I am looking forward to sleep, on a new pillow (!) in our air-conditioned room....
The Lou has been awake, more or less, since 3:15 this morning. Finally, at quarter to six she broke free and was running amok upstairs, yelling, "Mama and Daddy! It's wake-up time now! It's wake-up time now!" It was in fact wake-up time.
While she was on the potty later this morning, Pete and I were discussing the type of morning she and her teachers will probably enjoy at school. I said, well, we've been telling them this week that we think naptime will have to be cut down to 1 1/2 hours. I used the phrase "welcome to my nightmare."
Pete laughed and sang the verse. From the bathroom we hear, "Is that Alice Cooper?"
Ray LaMontagne- Till the Sun Turns Black Elliott Smith- From a Basement on the Hill Death Cab for Cutie- Plans Garden State soundtrack La Boheme The Smiths- Strangeways, Here We Come
It was about that time that the wretched iPod refused to work anymore....stoopid iPod and its temperamental ways. Have to think about having someone look at it.
So I'm back. Sometimes life is too tiring to comment on. The last few weeks have been- well, whatever they've been. It's almost the end of August, therefore almost the end of summer. Yeah, I know the calendar says that the autumnal equinox isn't until September 21st or such, but face it: this is New Hampshire. The fact that it's been cooler this week probably does not mean that fall is just around the corner, but still. Still.
What have we been up to, besides work and school? Hmm. Well, here's a picture the Lou took of me: And one I took of her: The shadow is her arm as she tries to grab the camera from me.
Here's Jimmy looking fierce:
"The cheese. You will give it to me, now."
There has been much knitting, but as usual, not much project completion. Knitting is good. It's like Valium I don't need a prescription for. I thought about bringing it to work today, but then I figured the other managers would be jealous that they had nothing to do with their hands during the relentlessly long and dull compliance audit conference call. Can work truly be that boring? Why yes, yes it can.
Next week is orientation, which sounds like it could be fun but is really a hamster wheel of people and files and sometimes tears. It's not a term start unless someone cries in my office. I think it's because I'm so nice to them. No, really. Sometimes when people hear things they don't want to hear from someone who genuinely wants to help, it can be more upsetting than if they hear the same thing from someone who delivers the news with a heaping helping of attitude. After 9 years (yikes) I know the drill and can usually handle situations and people. Usually. (That's my protection from Murphy's Law.)
So what's more fun is this:
I took this tonight after dinner. I see a teenager in that face, and it makes me cry. Sometimes I can see these flashes of how she'll be when she's older, what she'll look Such an adventure, and I am just glad to be along for the ride.
Not much else to report. More later this week. Maybe!