Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Since I am on vacation this week, the Lou and I were home today. Here are some things we did:

Watered the flowers in our pajamas

Drove out to Nottingham to pick up some herbal bug repellent from Jenness Farm. Came home and had pedis and lunch.

We tried to go to Tuttle's to look at plants but someone fell asleep in the car five minutes after leaving the driveway. Someone ended up snoozing in the car for a very long time.

Then we set to work making monsters.

Volume 6
of the very clever Craft magazine featured some fun little monsters, and once Lou got her hands on it she decided we must have monsters. So.....

This is Zaza. Zaza is shaped like a seashell. She lives under the sea and eats nothing.
This, however, is Babba. Babba lives under a bush and eats plants. She especially likes hops, although I've been assured that she won't eat "Daddy's jumping plant". She's quite fierce; she has a wooden spoon and will use it if provoked.

All your overripe bananas are belong to ME!

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