I am still sore from my display of grace and beauty yesterday. Thankfully it is a low-key weekend with not much planned. I got my hair cut this morning, we did some grocery shopping and Lou and I might do some baking later after she wakes up from her nap. Yess!
Here are some belated pictures of my fingerless mitts:
I love them. They may very well be my favorite completed project to date: challenging and fun to knit, I love the color and feel or the yarn (Classic Elite Princess in Top Turq) and I am thrilled with how they came out. Woot!
Mulling over my current projects. Both are baby sweaters I have knitted before, so I'm a bit bored. Thinking about knitting another pair of mitts, plus there's the felted market bag my mom has asked me to make....but again, repetition. I may actually take the plunge and start knitting an adult sweater, either for me or for Pete. My fingers are itching to do something new....and I can save the familiar projects for watching Lost. I'll admit it; I am hooked yet again, although I have the sinking feeling that I will hate the way it will end.
What else? Tomorrow Ella and Molly are coming for a visit, which will be fun. I have some ideas for fun things to do....Lou is really looking forward to it. Tonight is hunkering down at home, maybe a movie, maybe some Guitar Hero. I love my exciting life.
Still focused on keeping things simple. We're getting a few things done today but largely just relaxing and spending time together as a family. I found myself feeling as though I should be adding to my dreaded to-do list earlier today, and then thought, nahhh.
Lou's awake now- think I'll see what she's up to, maybe fold some laundry.
I am not sure I "get" the whole fingerless gloves thing...BUT DAMN that is some fine cable-ing! Nice work yarn goddess.
Ah, the fingerless mitt is useful at work, since we are losing the climate control wars. Keeps me warm while I play with spreadsheets. And thank you- I love me some cables.
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