What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Emerson
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Summer is ready when you are.........
Enjoying the long weekend and trying to do a whole lot of nothing. Yesterday the Lou and I hit Target, then the park downtown. What a difference a year makes: last year at this time she hung back and refused to play when there were maybe two other kids on the playground. Yesterday, she waited about 10 seconds, sizing it up, and headed right over. Most of the kids were between 5 and 10, climbing up the ladders and the slides on the play structure. Before I knew it, she was climbing a ladder to a platform about 5 feet off the ground. I stood under and spotted her, amazed at how sure-footed and confident she was. Just wow. She never ceases to amaze me.
In the afternoon, we had pedis: Lou picked the colors for each of us.
Later we played in our new turtle sprinkler, had a meltdown or two, and headed to bed. No nap and the heat yesterday contributed to cranky girl and edgy mama. Lucky for me, Dos Amigos Burritos exists. Ah, burritos. Sometimes takeout can restore your good humor, especially if it comes with pico de gallo.
Sorry no pics of the playground/sprinkler...I am packing the camera for our trip to Rye today as we speak! Hope your weekend involves chocolate and fun!
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