Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Yesterday I was going to post about our weekend, about catching up with friends. I was going to post pictures of Lou's birthday party at the Children's Museum with the school friends. And I will write that post, just not yet.
Friday night, someone I grew up with passed away. He was the son of a person dear to my heart, my mother's best friend and my other mother growing up. As kids, his sister and I were good friends, but with time and different schools and interests we grew apart, as people do. Our parents have been friends for probably thirty years, and through the "news bulletins" that you get from your mom when you've grown up and moved away, I hear the family updates.
He was a loving father of two teenage children.
The family he leaves behind is devastated.
Please say a prayer for the family to whoever you might pray to (if you believe in such things). Even if you don't, hold a good thought for them, and for my parents as they support their friends through this difficult time.
Friday night, someone I grew up with passed away. He was the son of a person dear to my heart, my mother's best friend and my other mother growing up. As kids, his sister and I were good friends, but with time and different schools and interests we grew apart, as people do. Our parents have been friends for probably thirty years, and through the "news bulletins" that you get from your mom when you've grown up and moved away, I hear the family updates.
He was a loving father of two teenage children.
The family he leaves behind is devastated.
Please say a prayer for the family to whoever you might pray to (if you believe in such things). Even if you don't, hold a good thought for them, and for my parents as they support their friends through this difficult time.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I spent most of last week fighting off the ick. It started probably the Thursday night before the birthday weekend, and by Sunday I was just not up to full speed. Still, there was cleaning and groceries and family coming for Dia de los Loubys, and well, we soldier on. It was worth it, absolutely.
Monday and Tuesday were term start, so I worked Monday night and felt godawful. By the end of both days I could not even really speak without a horrendous hacking coughing fit. Did I take a day off? Nope. Too much to do...I know, ridiculous. I just launched Operation: Fight Off Germs.
Saturday we were expecting Tina and Scott for the day, so we ran some errands and did some general household stuff before they arrived. It was a really good visit, the kind where you're sad when it's over and are already planning the next one. I wish Providence and Dover were 10 minutes away. If anyone wants to make that happen, I will owe you big.
Sunday it snowed. We didn't do much- played outside and attempted a nap, then ate leftovers (Pete made THE most amazing porchetta on Saturday....yum yum yum). It was a quiet day before the holiday.
Now, I knew I had deadline-based work that needed my attention, but I also was not about to change the fun stuff in my weekend to write performance evals (yup, again. I don't learn from experience!). So that was yesterday. Short of a three-hour lunch break, a trip to the grocery store, and dinner/bedtime, I worked all day. Bah. My own fault, I suppose.
Now Lou was feeling some cold symptoms around the same time as I was, last week. Just some coughing, sniffles, sneezing, nothing out of the ordinary. Over the last two days, however.....blammo! Wet, uncontrollable coughing, getting rid of various icky things, inability to sleep....so last night I ran the shower and tossed in one of those tablets that release "vapor". This "vapor" is supposed to relieve congestion. Then I gave her more cough medicine and put that vaporub for babies on her chest. She fell asleep quickly and slept all night.
But this morning she was NOT well rested. No. She was lethargic and HOT. We had more cough medicine and ibuprofen and stayed home, until we went to the doctor. She noted that Lou's chest sounded "crunchy", which I believe to be solid medical terminology. We left with a diagnosis and a prescription.
Bronchitis? Really?
There has been someone sick in my house for over a full month now. I think that the CDC will show up any day now to take up residence in my driveway. I would like to open every window and spray every available surface down with Lysol.
Instead, I will enjoy another glass of wine and think, "well, at least she should be better before the weekend...."
Monday and Tuesday were term start, so I worked Monday night and felt godawful. By the end of both days I could not even really speak without a horrendous hacking coughing fit. Did I take a day off? Nope. Too much to do...I know, ridiculous. I just launched Operation: Fight Off Germs.
- Water. As much as I could stand.
- Emergen-C. Twice daily. Sometimes co-workers have different flavors and we can swap.
- Echinacea/goldenseal capsules. 2 capsules, 2-3 times per day.
- Mucinex. My best friend.
- Sleep. As much as possible. Sleeping in favor of laundry, cleaning, working and more or less anything else. HA!
Saturday we were expecting Tina and Scott for the day, so we ran some errands and did some general household stuff before they arrived. It was a really good visit, the kind where you're sad when it's over and are already planning the next one. I wish Providence and Dover were 10 minutes away. If anyone wants to make that happen, I will owe you big.
Sunday it snowed. We didn't do much- played outside and attempted a nap, then ate leftovers (Pete made THE most amazing porchetta on Saturday....yum yum yum). It was a quiet day before the holiday.
Now, I knew I had deadline-based work that needed my attention, but I also was not about to change the fun stuff in my weekend to write performance evals (yup, again. I don't learn from experience!). So that was yesterday. Short of a three-hour lunch break, a trip to the grocery store, and dinner/bedtime, I worked all day. Bah. My own fault, I suppose.
Now Lou was feeling some cold symptoms around the same time as I was, last week. Just some coughing, sniffles, sneezing, nothing out of the ordinary. Over the last two days, however.....blammo! Wet, uncontrollable coughing, getting rid of various icky things, inability to sleep....so last night I ran the shower and tossed in one of those tablets that release "vapor". This "vapor" is supposed to relieve congestion. Then I gave her more cough medicine and put that vaporub for babies on her chest. She fell asleep quickly and slept all night.
But this morning she was NOT well rested. No. She was lethargic and HOT. We had more cough medicine and ibuprofen and stayed home, until we went to the doctor. She noted that Lou's chest sounded "crunchy", which I believe to be solid medical terminology. We left with a diagnosis and a prescription.
Bronchitis? Really?
There has been someone sick in my house for over a full month now. I think that the CDC will show up any day now to take up residence in my driveway. I would like to open every window and spray every available surface down with Lysol.
Instead, I will enjoy another glass of wine and think, "well, at least she should be better before the weekend...."
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Recent projects
Other than the Bonnie scarf, I've finished a few small projects lately...
Sri's Christmas gift....Aria from Knitting New Scarves

It's meant to look like seaweed, with the ripples along the sides. I've seen it done in blues and greens, and it's definitely more reminiscent that way. But these are more Sri's colors.
My new hat...Koolhaas by Jared Flood. 50/50 wool/alpaca blend....so warm!

(That last one taken very late at night after finishing, thus I look like the wrath of God.)
And a gift for a small person, which still needs the right buttons....3/8" probably.

Another one! Enjoy how surly I look. It's my cold talking. Also, the hat's not really that shiny, it's just the flash.

Now moving on to the next thing...my list is growing. The more time I spend prowling ravelry, looking at patterns and yarn and other people's projects, the more I plot and scheme....but I have plans for the giant haul of yarn I brought home from the Spinning Yarns New Year's Eve sale....ahh. One of the few things I love about winter- lots of knitting.
Sri's Christmas gift....Aria from Knitting New Scarves

It's meant to look like seaweed, with the ripples along the sides. I've seen it done in blues and greens, and it's definitely more reminiscent that way. But these are more Sri's colors.
My new hat...Koolhaas by Jared Flood. 50/50 wool/alpaca blend....so warm!

And a gift for a small person, which still needs the right buttons....3/8" probably.

Now moving on to the next thing...my list is growing. The more time I spend prowling ravelry, looking at patterns and yarn and other people's projects, the more I plot and scheme....but I have plans for the giant haul of yarn I brought home from the Spinning Yarns New Year's Eve sale....ahh. One of the few things I love about winter- lots of knitting.
The birthday
We had the great 4th birthday celebration yesterday. The snow kept the Aldens in CT, but all the Nasons were able to make it for an afternoon of homemade chicken and rice soup and sandwiches. It was cozy and a bit more quiet than the original plan, which was actually fine since neither Pete nor I are feeling 100%. Lou was just so happy to see everyone, and very proud and excited to show off the cake we made (Sweet Maria's white cake with the classic buttercream that Grandma uses....with fresh strawberries and raspberries in the center, at the birthday girl's request).

We're winding up to blow out candles....
So excited....
Oh boy!
When Aunt Bethy asked what Charlotte's birthday wish was, she replied, "For everyone to eat cake." So we did.

Flowers from Grumpa
Our girl

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Once, when I was a shiny-haired girl child,
I believed in Santa Claus, fairy tales and Jesus Christ.I grew.
Listened.A person needs to have a goal,
It seems,
A purpose,Destiny.
The enormous weight of my choices
Sits in the cornerDeafening silence
I drew a mapPlotted
Planned.I revise, rewrite.
As I cut my swath, toward the hazy end of the path,
My place in this puzzle,I find this unexpected grace:
To sing songs to
And gather back the shiny hair of a girl child,
So she will see her world and beUnafraid
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Lunar weirdness
I don't think I managed to completely capture the full effect of that almost-full moon last night. I'm going to try again tonight- apparently this will be the largest full moon of the year. At least, it will appear that way since it will be very close to the earth. I think it's a good omen for Lou's coming year, to have the biggest full moon, the Wolf Moon, the night before her birthday. After all, wolves are fierce, she is fierce. It all adds up.
We're going to go out at sunset specifically to look at the moon. Here, though, are pictures I took at around 10:30 last night.
And the house
The side yard, lit by the streetlight

It was so cold.....I wore a mitten on the hand I didn't need to take pictures, which made me think about an author/explorer I met in Kittery right before Christmas. He has published a book, filled with beautiful photographs, of his experiences on Everest. He actually lost fingers due to exposure he suffered while taking pictures at the summit. I'm not that committed, but every time I am outside in the cold with my camera I think of him.
Stay warm today!
We're going to go out at sunset specifically to look at the moon. Here, though, are pictures I took at around 10:30 last night.

It was so cold.....I wore a mitten on the hand I didn't need to take pictures, which made me think about an author/explorer I met in Kittery right before Christmas. He has published a book, filled with beautiful photographs, of his experiences on Everest. He actually lost fingers due to exposure he suffered while taking pictures at the summit. I'm not that committed, but every time I am outside in the cold with my camera I think of him.
Stay warm today!
Friday, January 09, 2009
Thursday, January 08, 2009
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