So this week I moved on. I guess you can call it "Stuff I've worked on/am working on that I like and am pleased about." A brief and succinct title, I know. The goal is quite honestly to find at least seven things that I created or grew that have nothing to do with work. Balance.
Bad and useless day today. People are so married to convention, resistant to any kind of innovation or improvement. If today were Evaluation Day, I give the company and most of my colleagues a Needs Improvement. But as I told my friend Jeff, one good thing happened. I met with a student and helped him with an application for additional funds to buy a laptop and pay some bills. As he left my office he said, "Thank you so much for meeting with me. You're the only one around here who gets stuff done, and that's why I always come to you." I almost cried. I felt like Willy Wonka when Charlie gives back the gobstopper: So shines a good deed in a weary world.

Tomorrow will be a better day. I will be home with Lou at 5:30, and I have an appointment for a pedi (!) later on....and it's Wednesday! Only one meeting (1 1/2 hours), and I get a quiet morning in my office with music. Good deal.
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